A power strong enough to knock down double-brick walls.
A power strong enough to mangle cars until they are unrecognizable.
A power strong enough to wrap a truck and trailer completely around a tree.
A power strong enough to pick up cars and place them where buildings used to be.
A power strong enough to tear the bark from trees.
A power strong enough to take our loved ones away from us.
But we've also seen the power of God working in our lives.
But we've also seen the power of God working in our lives.
A power strong enough to bring the community together like it never has been before.
A power strong enough to bring love and compassion from across the nation.
A power strong enough to rebuild stronger than ever.
It is this power, the power of God, we will hold onto for strength.
What god is as great as our God?
You are the God who performs miracles;
you display your power among the peoples.
With your mighty arm you redeemed your people.....
Psalm 77:13-15